Panama, officially the Republic of Panama (Spanish: República de Panamá;is the southernmost country of both Central America and, in turn, North America. Situated on the isthmus connecting North and South America, it is bordered by Costa Rica to the northwest, Colombia to the southeast, the Caribbean Sea to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south. The capital is Panama City.
Panama is an international business center, and has the largest economy in Central America, followed by Guatemala, Costa Rica and El Salvador. It is also the fastest growing economy and the largest per capita consumer in Central America.
巴拿马共和国,西班牙语为República de Panamá,地处中美洲(中美地峡)。连接着北美和南美,西北与哥斯达黎加接壤,东南与哥伦比亚接壤,该国北边为加勒比海,南边为太平洋。首都为巴拿马城。
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