Bus fares, veggie prices to soar: Diesel now Rs 100.6/litre in Pune

PUNE: The cost of diesel on Sunday breached the Rs 100/litre mark in Pune for the first time this year.

The cost of a litre of diesel in Pune on Sunday stood at Rs 100.60. The last time diesel had breached the Rs100/litre mark was in October 2021 when a similar trend of frequent fuel price hikes were imposed.

The cost of fuel has been on the rise for around 11 days now and on Sunday the cost of a litre of petrol in Pune city stood at Rs117.87, while the price of premium petrol was Rs122.37/litre.

The increase in the diesel price will have an impact on vegetable rates and bus transportations, those in the business told TOI.

Baba Shinde, the president of Maharashtra Goods and Passenger Transport Association, said, "We are mulling an increase in the bus fares, as the cost of fuel is practically increasing everyday. Diesel is something which we need at all times and with the rise in prices, we will have no choice but to increase the bus fares as well as the transportation costs. We are thinking of increasing it by around 12%."

Rajan Junavane, the president of the Pune Bus and Car Owners' Association, too, said an increase is likely soon.

"As the Covid-19 restrictions have been eased now, businesses have finally opened up. Buses are witnessing a good number of commuters. Amid this, we don't want to immediately increase the fares because we feel it would hurt our ridership. But there will be an increase in fares because we cannot run on losses. One can expect an increase of around 10% in the fares. If prices continue to soar, the percentage hike might go up too," Junavane said.

The fuel price hike has already resulted in cost escalation of veggies, a few vendors said.

"The price of tomatoes, beans, ivy gourd and cluster beans have gone up. The transportation cost has already increased. The price of tomato has increased from Rs30/kg to Rs40/kg. The cost of beans has gone up from Rs120/kg to Rs200/kg and the cost of ivy gourd has increased from Rs80/kg to Rs160/kg. The cost of cluster beans has increased from the earlier Rs120/kg to Rs160/kg," said Teja, a local vegetable vendor.

He added, "Earlier, I used to pay the local transporter supplying vegetables from Market Yard Rs300 per day. It has now gone up to Rs360. If the fuel price doesn't come under control, the prices of almost all vegetables will increase and so will our transportation costs."

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